Module Info

Module   Info Users   Peers
AInternational0XLX229, XLX519, XLX007, XLX019, XLX875, XLX032, XLX950, XLX270, XLX522, XLX299, XLX339, XLX787, XLX699, XLX040, XLX076, XLXALG
BNational - Luxemburg Chat/BM TG270620XLX032, XLX950, XLX270
CNational - Germany0XLX169, XLX421, XLX518, XLXALG
DNational - Switzerland - XLX229D0XLX229, XLX328, XLX905
EInternational - Icom Picture Exchange0XLX421, XLX339, XLX555, XLX227, XLXALG
FLocal - Reflector Tirol0XLX229
GLocal - OWL - Germany = Bridge DStar-XLX508G, DMR-BM-TG26446 and C4FM-YSF26446 - Room "DE OWL", "Peanut-XLX508G", "Europelink DG-ID 13"1BM2622, XLX210
HLinked to XLX518H0XLX518
ILinked to XLX518I0XLX518
JLocal - OWL - Germany = Bridge DStar-XLX508J, DMR-BM-TG26447 and C4FM-YSF26447 - Room "XLX508J OWL", "DMR+ Reflector-4050" and "Peanut-XLX508J" 13BM2622, XLX210
MNational - DL - DSTAR<->DMR TS1/TG110 0XLX015
NNational - Niedersachsen - Germany2XLX875, XLX421, XLX339, XLXALG
PLocal - Paderborn/Detmold Area3
RLinked to Ramses Modul R XLX875 kein DSTAR0
TNational - Thueringen - Germany0
UNational - Franken - Germany XLX8750XLX875
WNational - Waterkant - Germany XLX8750XLX875
YNational - Austria DSTAR<->YSF AT C4FM and BM232080BM2322, XLX905
ZNational - Test and General Chat- (DStar,C4FM,DMR)0

In general all modules from "A-Z" are available but not shown due to they are not named. So in DStar you can access Modul A by using A(D)50801 until Z by using A(D)50826

For DMR you can refer to the description in the "help" by using Modul 4001-4026 (64001-64026)

For C4FM you can also refer to the "help" accessing the Moduls